
Manage settings for data retention


All group owners/administrators need to specify how long you want LoopMe to save the data that is collected within each group as well as your purpose of data retention*. This information will be visible to all group members in the group description.

*Data = Content created by group members, such as Loops / Reports, Comments, Attached Images / Files, Information and Surveys.

The default settings for all groups in LoopMe is to save data for three months, after which all data is automatically removed by the system. If you wish to save data for more than three months in a group, you need to actively change the settings. You can easily do this by following these instructions:



  • Select the Group tab                                                  

  • Click on the group name                          

  • Click information in the information box about data retention settings.

  • Click Change. You will then be redirected to the group settings page.


  • When you scroll down a bit, you will find settings for data retention. Click the Dropdown list to change data retention time and select any of the options.

  • You also need to specify your purpose of saving the data. Enter your purpose in the box with the heading Why do you need to store data for this long? Click SHOW EXAMPLE TEXTS and see if they can help you describe why you need to store data for the retention time of your choice.

  • Use Example text

  • Click the button SAVE and your settings will be updated.

  • Your settings are now visible to all members of the group. Select the Home tab on the group page and you will see your new settings within the Information box for data retention. 

  • Groups where action is required will be notified in the group feed. All data queued for removal is displayed to you as a group owner/administrator. Click Data Queued for removal to get a list.

You can always change your data retention settings at any time.

Guide tagged with: Data retention GDPR Settings
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