
Manage groups and group creators rights within the Organisation/School Account


If you are responsible for your organisation account in LoopMe (administrator of the organisation account) you can give your colleagues the right to be able to start their own groups within the same organisation. 

  • Add group creators to your organisation
  • Remove group creators from your organisation
  • Change a group owner
  • Inactivate a group within your organisation
  • Activate an inactivated group within your organisation


Add group creators to your organisation

  • Log in to www.loopme.io
  • Go to Menu and click on the name for your organisation

  • On the Organisation page, at the menu Group creators, click Add


  • Enter the email address to your colleague and click Add

If your colleague already have a personal LoopMe account he/she will receive a notification about your setting in their Feed. 

If your colleague are a total begginner in LoopMe, he/she will receive an e mail invitation to the organisation and a link to LoopMe where he/she can create a personal LoopMe account.


Remove group creators from your organisation

  • Log in to www.loopme.io
  • Go to Menu and click on the name for your organisation

  • On the Organisation page, at the menu Group creators you will find a list of users in your organisation that has the right to start their own groups within the organisation.
  • Click Remove to the right of the user that no longer will have this right. 

From now on this person can't start any new groups within your organisation. If you also want to change group owner for groups that this person already have started, read below:


Change a group owner 

If you want to change group owner for a group within your organisation, please contact the LoopMe support team: support@loopme.io


Inactivate a group within your organisation

If you inactivate a group, all data, such as loops, reports, members, tasks and tags, information, surveys and notifications within the group will be hidden for all members within the group. The group is accessible for you as a administrator, or as a group owner and can be reactivated through your organisation's page.  To inactivate a group as a administrator of the organisation account, follow these steps:

  • Log in to www.loopme.io
  • Go to Menu and click on the name for your organisation

  • On the Organisation page, at the menu Groups you will find a list of groups and their owners in your organisation. Click Inactivate to the right of the group

  • Confirm by clicking YES


Activate an inactivated group within your organisation

  • Log in to www.loopme.io
  • Go to Menu and click on the name for your organisation

  • On the Organisation page, at the menu Groups, click Show inactive groups 

  • Click Activate to the right of the group

  • Confirm by clicking YES

Guide tagged with: Administrator Group manage organisation
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