
Manage settings for Task

  • Edit a Task
  • Activate a Task
  • Add a Task
  • Remove a Task

You can manage your tasks within a group in an editor mode. When you feel satisfied with the design of a task, you can either choose to activate the task directly, or set a publication date and time.

You can also set the date for when a task should be completed, as well as that you can set up when a task should be archived (and not longer will be visible to the members).

Edit a Task

  • Go to Groups
  • Click on Tasks and you will be directed to the group tasks. 

  • Your active tasks are visible on the Task overview tab. Click Manage Tasks to enter the editing mode.

  • Click Edit Task

  • Make your changes. 
  • Click UPDATE

Activate a task

There are two ways to activate a task. Either you activate it directly, or you set a publishing date and time.

  • Click Activate and the Task will immediately be activated and visible for all group members.


  •  Click on the Calendar icon and set date and time for the Task to be published


Add a Task

  • Go to Groups
  • Click on Tasks and you will be directed to the group tasks. 

  • Your active tasks are visible on the Task Overview Tab. Click Manage Tasks to enter the editing mode.

  • Click on the button CREATE TASK

  • Make your settings for the task
  • Click CREATE

  • Your new task will be visible within the Task Editor


Remove a Task

Note: You can only remove a task that is created by yourself. If you are using tasks within a pre-defined content package, you will only be able to hide ore archive a task.

  • Go to Groups
  • Click on Tasks and you will be directed to the group tasks. 

  • Click Manage Tasks to enter the editing mode.

  • Click on the Recycle Bin next to the tasks you want to delete

Settings for a Task

Each task has a title that will be visible within the Task list. Try to make the tatle rather short (preferably not longer than 40 characters long). 

If you want designate in which order the tasks should be displayed in the Task list you can use numbering. (For example: The first task is numbered as "01. Task name...",  the second task is numbered as "02. Task name...")

It's a good idea to tell your group members a little bit more about the task, for example exactly what you want them to do and when. You can enter a longer text in the description field. Here you can also enter clickable links. This text will be visible to your students when they click on the name/title of the task. 

Add file
If you like, you can also attach a photo or a file that will be displayed together with the task.

Number of reports required for the task to be completed
Designate how many reports regarding the task that you require from each group member.

Follow up question
If you like, you can enter a follow up question that is mandatory for each member to answer each time he or she sends a report about the specific task.

Approve each report check box
The feature Approve each report manually is set as default. This means that the manual approval function is enabled and each report that the members send to you will be registered as "Waiting for approval". The report will be marked as "Waiting". In the Task view you can see the number of reports waiting for approval as orange marks within the Development indicator. 

The report will stay that way until you click on the Approve button. Then the report will be marked as "Approved". In the Task view you can see the number of reports that are approved as green marks within the Development indicator.

If you want to disable the manual approval function, click on the check box and the default setting is swished off. This means that all reports will be automatically approved within the current task.

Allow reports to be submitted passed the deadline
The feature Allow reports to be submitted passed the deadline is set as default. This means that the group members are able to send reports, thought these reports will follow with a banner saying that the report is sent after deadline.

If you deactivate the check box, this means that the memberes will not be able to send any reports about the task after deadline.

Guide tagged with: Settings Task
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